The Tennessee Extension Master Gardeners program in Hardeman County is offering a unique opportunity for gardeners –young and old, new or experience – to engage in both classroom and practical learning of a wide variety of gardening and home horticulture topics.The Hardeman County Extension Office is now accepting applications for the fall Master Gardener Course. Classes will be offered in a hybrid manner, meaning in-person classes will meet one week and a video lesson will be sent to you the next week or a combination similar to this. In-person classes will be held at the Hardeman County Extension Office located at 210 Vildo Road in Bolivar on Thursday evenings 6:00 – 9:00 p. m. beginning August 12, 2021 and ending October 28th, 2021. The Master Gardener program is a volunteer service program for the University of Tennessee Extension. Extension professionals train local members of the community as volunteers to help provide sound practical researched-based information to educate the public about home horticulture. You will be required to complete 40 hours of volunteer service within the first year after the class sessions to receive your official Master Gardener certification. The volunteer hours and responsibilities will be reviewed on orientation night to clarify any questions. Topics covered during the course include: botany, soils, water, vegetables, fruits, turf grass, safe use of pesticides, insect and disease control, composting, herbs, equipment, herbaceous plants, woody ornamentals and landscaping.
Applications are available by clicking here: or may be picked up at the Hardeman County Extension office or you can download from the Hardeman County Extension web page Click on the arrow beside Agriculture Programs and then select Master Gardeners. Completed applications and payment must be received by July 31, 2021. The fee for the class is $150. Checks are payable to UT Extension. Please remit payment with your signed application to
Lee Sammons, Hardeman County Extension
210 Vildo Road
Bolivar, Tennessee 38008.
If you have any questions about the program contact Lee Sammons at 731-658-2421 or email at The Cooperative Extension Program offers its programs to all persons regardless to race, color, national origin, sex, age or disability and is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
Contact: Lee Sammons